KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS | UNIT | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 |
GHG emissions |
Scope 1 | tCO2e | 75,8 | 78,0 | 77,8 |
Scope 2 (location based) | - |
| 689 |
Scope 2 (market based) | - | 83 | 107 |
Scope 3 | - | 147 | 163 | 246 |
Total gross emissions | tCO2e | 306 | 348 | 1.013 |
Carbon offset projects | - | 19,0 | 0,0 |
Net operational carbon emissions | tCO2e | 287 | 348 | 1.013 |
Carbon intensity |
Carbon intensity per megawatt-hour (MWh) of energy consumed | kgCO2e/MWh | 0,03 | 0,03 | 0,09 |
Carbon intensity per sq.m of office space | kgCO2e/m3 | 2,66 | 3,05 | 8,50 |
Carbon intensity per full-time equivalent (FTE) employee | tCO2e/FTE | 0,33 | 0,37 | 1,09 |
Carbon intensity of equity | tCO2e/ | 0,26 | 0,34 | 1,01 |
Improvements from base year (2015) | % | 74,9% | 66,8% |
Paper intensity per FTE | pages/FTE | 2.419 | 2.516 | 2.576 |
Energy Management |
Total energy comsumption | kWh | 9.074.193 | 11.423.654 | 10.668.563 |
Of which from use of fossil fuel | kWh | 322.208 | 331.575 | 327.348 |
Cars and mobile assets | kg. | 27.705 | 28.510 | 28.147 |
Of which energy from electricity | kWh | 2.718.071 | 4.087.129 | 4.034.237 |
Of which from district heating | kWh | 6.033.914 | 7.004.950 | 6.306.978 |
Hot water for district heating | m3 | 104.033 | 120.775 | 108.741 |
Percentage renewable energy | % | 95,85% | 68,83% | 85,97% |
Percentage renewable electricity | % | 100% | 100% | 71% |
Water Management |
Total annual use of water | m3 | 73.971 | 66.776 | 65.372 |
Of which cold water | m3 | 73.971 | 66.776 | 65.372 |
Waste Management |
Total waste generated annually | kg | 125.519 | 120.728 | 119.992 |
Of which general waste | - | 112.649 | 120.728 | 119.992 |
Of which construction waste | - | 12.870 | - | - |
Sorted waste | - | 58.492 | 60.958 | 51.588 |
Unsorted waste | - | 54.157 | 59.770 | 68.404 |
Share of sorted waste | % | 51,9% | 50,5% | 43,0% |
Paper-print Management |
Total printed paper in offices | pages | 2.133.773 | 2.354.926 | 2.394.285 |
Key figures from operation |
Total size of office space | m3 | 108.075 | 114.146 | 119.189 |
Of which with LED lighting | % | 10% |
Full-time equivalent employees | FTE | 882,0 | 936,0 | 929,5 |
Total equity | mkr | 112600% | 1.033 | 998 |